SJ Week 18 – 2 Weeks!

Holaaaa mis hermanooooos, ¿cómo les vaaaaa? Hope you guys have all had a good week! I love you guys and I’m grateful for each of you.

We had an awesome week this week! It was a super fun one! It’s been really smoky here again. The air quality is pretty bad apparently and we aren’t really supposed to go outside too much. There was one day this week where it was ORANGE outside all day. I took some crazy pictures that showed it, I promise there’s no filter on them haha. I’d never seen anything like that before, it was honestly insane. Hope these fires finish up soon.

No filter – smokey skies

On Sunday, we went and helped out with our little food drive from Trader Joe’s like we always do, and there was tons of leftover bread. So, we took it to this homeless camp in this park and it was crazy how happy they were over bread. A lot of them grabbed it and just started feeding the geese in the park haha. It was a fun time. This guy came up to us and asked if we had a Bible. We said we didn’t, but we had a Book of Mormon to give him. He said: “ohhh I’ve been wanting to read this one! Because it’s another testament of Jesus Christ, right?” haha that was quite the surprise.

This week was the big reveal that I was going home in zone conference! Or zoom conference haha. It was super funny. First, I gave a workshop, and then it was time for the outbound missionaries to bear their testimonies. They announced my name as the last one to bear their testimony and everyone in the room kinda looked at me like “what?”. I bore my testimony and Elder Valencia looks at me after and goes, “wait, how long have you been out?” and I told him I was going home and he was just perplexed. He couldn’t believe it. It was so funny. Most of the room was super surprised too. Sadly, after many hints, my companion had figured out on his own and just didn’t say anything. It was so funny. Most of the zone was super surprised too. So now that the secrets out, I guess I don’t have to work anymore. No haha just kidding, we are working hard and getting ready for some baptisms before I go home (Roselia Cruz next week). I love the mission!

Thank you all for everything. Time is flying, but I’m taking advantage of every second I get. I love you all! Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you! 

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